Feb. 11, 2023, 1:37 a.m.
Hi! I would like to request for the following:
1. Statistics of Children in Need of Special Protection (CNSP), Voluntarily/Involuntarily Committed Children, Orphans, and Foundlings who age out of foster care that find employment in NCR annually from 2016-2022.
2. Statistics of (CNSP), Voluntarily/Involuntarily Committed Children, Orphans, and Foundlings who age out of foster care that end up in sex industry, incarcerated, get pregnant, and deal with PTSD in NCR annually from 2016-2022.
March 15, 2023, 4:57 p.m.
March 15, 2023
Thank you for your request dated Feb 11, 2023 01:37:46 AM under Executive Order No. 2 (s. 2016) on Freedom of Information in the Executive Branch.
You asked for Statistics of CNSP, Voluntarily/Involuntarily Committed Children that find employment.
Your FOI request is approved.
Please be informed that we do not have specific data on this.
Our data related to your request can be found on the links below:
a) Proportion of working children 5 to 17 years old was estimated at 4.3 percent: https://psa.gov.ph/content/working-children-situation
Table A. Total Number of Children 5 to 17 Years Old, Working Children, and Proportion of Working Children and by Region, Philippines Oct 2019, 2020 and 2021: https://psa.gov.ph/sites/default/files/attachments/hsd/specialrelease/TABLE%20A.%20Total%20Number%20of%20Children%205%20to%2017%20Years%20Old%2C%20%20Working%20Children%2C%20and%20Proportion%20of%20Working%20Children%20and%20by%20Region%2C%20Philippines%20Oct%202019%2C%202020%20%20and%202021_final.xlsx
Table B. Total Number of Working Children 5 to 17 Yrs Old and Perc Dist, by Sex, by Age Grp, by Broad Ind Grp, by Hrs Worked: https://psa.gov.ph/sites/default/files/attachments/hsd/specialrelease/TABLE%20B.%20Total%20Number%20of%20Working%20Children%20%205%20to%2017%20Yrs%20Old%20and%20Perc%20Dist%2C%20by%20Sex%2C%20by%20Age%20Grp%2C%20by%20Broad%20Ind%20Grp%2C%20by%20Hrs%20Worked%2C%20and%20by%20Reg%2C%20Phil%20Oct%202019%2C%202020%20and%202021_final.xlsx
Table D. Total Number and Percent Distribution of Child Laborers, by Sex, by Age Group, by Broad Industry Gorup and by Region: https://psa.gov.ph/sites/default/files/attachments/hsd/specialrelease/TABLE%20D.%20Total%20Number%20and%20Percent%20Distribution%20of%20Child%20Laborers%2C%20by%20Sex%2C%20by%20Age%20Group%2C%20by%20Broad%20Industry%20Gorup%20%20and%20by%20Region%2C%20Philippines%20Oct%202019%2C%202020%20and%202021_final.xlsx
b) Annual Poverty Indicators Survey: https://psa.gov.ph/content/annual-poverty-indicators-survey-apis
Figure 5.3a Proportion of Population Aged 6 to 24 Years Who Were Not Attending School by Reason for Not Attending: Philippines, 2020 APIS: https://psa.gov.ph/sites/default/files/%5BONSrev-cleared%5D%202020%20APIS%20Final%20Report_rev1%20wo%20comments_ONSF3_signed.pdf
Figure 5.3b Proportion of Population Aged 6 to 24 Years Who Were Not Attending School by Reason for Not Attending by Region: Philippines, 2020
APIS: https://psa.gov.ph/sites/default/files/%5BONSrev-cleared%5D%202020%20APIS%20Final%20Report_rev1%20wo%20comments_ONSF3_signed.pdf
Table 5.4 Population Aged 6 to 24 Years Who Were Not Attending School by Reason for Not Attending School by Region, Residence, and Sex: Philippines, 2020: https://psa.gov.ph/sites/default/files/%5BONSrev-cleared%5D%202020%20APIS%20Final%20Report_rev1%20wo%20comments_ONSF3_signed.pdf
Table 3.4. Percentage of population 3 to 30 years old who are not attending school by reason for not attending by age group, Philippines: 2019: https://psa.gov.ph/sites/default/files/2019-FLEMMS-Final-Report_Signed_FULL%20VERSION_15%20January%202021rev.pdf
c) Working Children, Not Currently Attending School by Sex and Age Group: https://openstat.psa.gov.ph/PXWeb/pxweb/en/DB/DB__3K__E6/0553K3E6020.px/table/tableViewLayout1/?rxid=17d5972b-bc24-45f0-a1d9-b9787dc80678
We would love to hear your Feedback so we can improve our services. Kindly fill out the PSA Customer feedback form from this link: https://tinyurl.com/OnlineCSSForm.
Thank you.
Noel G. Perez
(Information Technology Officer III)
Information Technology and Dissemination Service