Aug. 12, 2022, 5:52 p.m.
Hello, my name is John Benedict Villanueva, I am a fourth year Electronics Engineering student in Polytechnic University of the Philippines. I would like to request information (quarterly or annually) regarding :
1) Population
2) Birth Rate
3) Population Density
4) Populations' Average Age
5) Average Household Size
6) Sex Ratio
7) Population of non-resident individuals working in the city
8} Population of non-resident individuals studying in the city
9) Average Years Spent in School per individual
10) Students in School
All in the cities of Manila, Marikina, Taguig, Mandaluyong & Pasig
Aug. 25, 2022, 5:21 p.m.
August 25, 2022
Dear John Benedict,
Thank you for your request dated Aug 12, 2022 under Executive Order No. 2 (s. 2016) on Freedom of Information in the Executive Branch, for Social Factors in Five Cities surrounding Pasig River.
We received your request on Aug 12, 2022 and will respond on or before Sep 02, 2022 05:52:35 PM, in accordance with the Executive Order's implementing rules and regulations.
Should you have any questions regarding your request, kindly contact me using the reply function on the eFOI portal at https://www.foi.gov.ph/requests/aglzfmVmb2ktcGhyHQsSB0NvbnRlbnQiEFBTQS0xMjk2MDIwODY5OTEM, for request with ticket number #PSA-129602086991.
Thank you.
Simonette A. Nisperos
FOI Officer
Aug. 26, 2022, 3:28 p.m.
August 26, 2022
Dear John Benedict Villanueva,
Thank you for your request dated Aug 12, 2022 05:52:35 PM under Executive Order No. 2 (s. 2016) on Freedom of Information in the Executive Branch.
You asked for Social Factors in Five Cities surrounding Pasig River.
Your FOI request is approved.
In reference to your data request, our data are limited to the following:
1) Population data
2020 Census of Population and Housing (2020 CPH) Population Counts Declared Official by the President:
Table B - Population and Annual Growth Rates by Province, City, and Municipality - By Region: https://psa.gov.ph/sites/default/files/attachments/ird/pressrelease/Table%20B%20-%20Population%20and%20Annual%20Growth%20Rates%20by%20Province%2C%20City%2C%20and%20Municipality%20-%20By%20Region_AGBA_rev.xlsx
2) Birth rate
Statistics of the Philippines:
https://psa.gov.ph/vital-statistics/id/167674 https://psa.gov.ph/vital-statistics/table
TABLE 1A NUMBER OF REGISTERED BIRTHS BY MONTH, BY REGION, PROVINCE, AND HIGHLY URBANIZED CITY, PHILIPPINES: JANUARY TO DECEMBER 2021: https://psa.gov.ph/sites/default/files/attachments/crd/pressrelease/2_Jan-Mar%202022_Monthly%20Release%20on%20Vital%20Events_as%20of%2030%20Apr%202022_1st%20DRAFT%20VSD_JRV_CRD_0.xlsx TABLE 1B NUMBER OF REGISTERED BIRTHS BY MONTH, BY REGION, PROVINCE, AND HIGHLY URBANIZED CITY, PHILIPPINES: JANUARY TO MARCH 2022: https://psa.gov.ph/sites/default/files/attachments/crd/pressrelease/2_Jan-Mar%202022_Monthly%20Release%20on%20Vital%20Events_as%20of%2030%20Apr%202022_1st%20DRAFT%20VSD_JRV_CRD_0.xlsx
3) Population density
Highlights of the Population Density of the Philippines 2020 Census of Population and Housing (2020 CPH):
Highlights of the Population Density of the Philippines - 2020 CPH: https://psa.gov.ph/sites/default/files/attachments/ird/specialrelease/Highlights%20of%20the%20Pop%20Density%20of%20the%20Phils%202020%20CPH019.pdf
Table A. Population, Land Area, Population Density, and Percent Change in Population Density of the Philippines by Region, Province/Highly Urbanized City, and City/Municipality: 2010, 2015, and 2020 : https://psa.gov.ph/sites/default/files/attachments/ird/specialrelease/2010-2015-2020%20Population%20Density_Table%20A_and_B_Using%202013%20Land%20Areas_12%20July%202021.xlsx
4) Average age and sex ratio
Age and Sex Distribution in the Philippine Population (2020 Census of Population and Housing): https://psa.gov.ph/press-releases/id/167965
Table A. Household Population by Age Group, Sex, Sex Ratio, and Median Age: Philippines, 2020 and 2015: https://psa.gov.ph/sites/default/files/attachments/hsd/pressrelease/5_2020%20Age%20and%20Sex_Tables%20A%2CB%2C%20and%20C_18%20July%202022_RRDH_CRD.xlsx
Table C. Number and Percent to All Ages of Household Population and Sex Ratio by Selected Age/Age Group: Philippines, 2015 and 2020: https://psa.gov.ph/sites/default/files/attachments/hsd/pressrelease/5_2020%20Age%20and%20Sex_Tables%20A%2CB%2C%20and%20C_18%20July%202022_RRDH_CRD.xlsx
Household Population by Age Group, Sex, Province, and City/Municipality: NCR, 2020 https://psa.gov.ph/sites/default/files/attachments/hsd/pressrelease/4_Household%20Population%20by%20Age%20Group%20and%20Sex_Philippines_2020%20CPH_rev.xlsx
5) We do not have specific data on non-resident individuals working in the city. Our data is limited to employment data-
Labor Force Survey:
https://psa.gov.ph/statistics/survey/labor-and-employment/labor-force-survey https://psa.gov.ph/statistics/survey/labor-and-employment/labor-force-survey/table
6) We also do not have data on non-resident individuals studying in the city and Average years spent per school per individual and students in school. Our related data are limited as follows;
TABLE 10.2a Net Enrolment Rate in Public and Private Kindergarten: SY 2016-2017 to SY 2018-2019:
TABLE 10.2b Net Enrolment Rate in Public and Private Elementary Schools: SY 2016-2017 to SY 2018-2019:
TABLE 10.3a Net Enrolment Rate in Public and Private Junior High Schools: SY 2016-2017 to SY 2018-2019: https://psa.gov.ph/sites/default/files/2019%20T10_3a.xlsx
TABLE 10.3b Net Enrolment Rate in Public and Private Senior High Schools: SY 2016-2017 to SY 2018-2019: https://psa.gov.ph/sites/default/files/2019%20T10_3b.xlsx
You may also check our OpenSTAT for the following data:
4.1.s2 Cohort Survival Rate: https://openstat.psa.gov.ph/PXWeb/pxweb/en/DB/DB__3I__G04/0033I3D41S2.px/table/tableViewLayout1/?rxid=7e9d72dc-cc36-4dde-a59b-2ad67d591dba
4.1.s1 Completion Rate: https://openstat.psa.gov.ph/PXWeb/pxweb/en/DB/DB__3I__G04/0023I3D41S1.px/table/tableViewLayout1/?rxid=7e9d72dc-cc36-4dde-a59b-2ad67d591dba
Moreover, kindly take note that our data are mostly in national and regional estimates only.
We would love to hear your Feedback so we can improve our services. Kindly fill out the PSA Customer feedback form from this link: tinyurl.com/CustomerFeedbackPSA.
Thank you.
FOI Decision Maker
Assistant National Statistician
Information Technology and Dissemination Service