20 August 2019
Dear Ms. Suzette Mae Candelaria,
You requested for information on the following: “(1) Total number of CICL served per region on community based and center based rehabilitation as of 2019/or the recent statistics available (from 2012-2019) and (2) Recent statistics on the number of Neglected, Abused, and Abandoned children in the Philippines (from 2012-2019)”.
Unfortunately, the DSWD only has information on neglected, abused and abandoned children residing in its centers and institutions and those who are community-based served by the DSWD. Thus, we shall partially grant your request and we shall refer your request with respect to this matter to the proper DSWD office.
Under Republic Act 10630 (the “Juvenile Justice Welfare Act”), oversees the implementation of the law on CICLs. They may have the complete data you need for (1). Hence, you may wish to direct your request to the JJWC by submitting a request to them via this portal. You may also contact them by telephone at 921-0565 or via email at
[email protected].
Under Republic Act 10625 (the “Philippine Statistical Act of 2013”), the Philippine Statistics Authority is the government agency responsible for preparing and conducting periodic censuses on population, housing, agriculture, fisheries, business, industry and other sectors of the economy. The PSA may have the complete data for (2). Hence, you may wish to direct your request to the PSA by submitting a request to the PSA via this portal. You may also contact the PSA by telephone at 462-6600 locals 839, 833 and 834 or via email at
[email protected].
For crimes such as abuse of children, the Philippine National Police (PNP) may have the data you need. Hence, you may also wish to direct your request to the PNP by submitting a request via this eFOI portal. Alternatively, you may try to contact the PNP by telephone at 723-0401.
As for the interview, you can write to JJWC Executive Director Atty. Tricia Clare A. Oco or to the Director of the DSWD Program Management Bureau, Director Wilma D. Naviamos.
Very Truly Yours,
Atty. Maria Cassandra M. Urbiztondo
FOI Decision Maker