Published by National Housing Authority(NHA) on Oct. 4, 2023.
Requested from NHA by J. Abella at 03:46 AM on
Oct. 4, 2023.
Purpose: Architectural Capstone
Date of Coverage: 10/04/2023 - 10/04/2023
Tracking no: #NHA-415605934795
Oct. 4, 2023, 3:46 a.m.
I want to ask about
1. Relocation plan of informal settlers in Brgy. Pinyahan, East Triangle, Quezon City. (Near PAGASA Planetarium)
2. Relocation areas for the informal settlers of Brgy, Pinyahan, East Triangle, Quezon City. (Near PAGASA Planetarium)
3. The area is part of CBD growth center a Mixed used Institutional zone (Downtown hub)
4. I'm aware that the NHA is the owner of the parcel of land. For academic purposes, Is it feasible to proposed a cultural center project, backed up by a government agency in that area? and getting a permission from NHA.
Oct. 14, 2023, 12:03 a.m.
October 13, 2023
Dear Ms. Custodio:
Thank you for your request dated Oct 04, 2023, for information on the relocation plan and resettlement areas for ISFs in Brgy. Pinayahan, East Triangle, QC.
Attached is a copy of the Summary of Relocated and Resettled Families from Brgy. Pinyaha, QC based on the entry pass database management system of the Resettlement, Development, and Services Department (RDSD).
For your reference.
Thank you.
Very truly yours,
Head, FOI Compliance and Monitoring Unit
Information Chief A, Corporate Planning Department