Oct. 19, 2023, 7:17 a.m.
We are reaching out to request your assistance in compiling essential data regarding hog raising in the Philippines. Our goal is to create a comprehensive database that can be a valuable resource for both commercial and backyard hog raisers, government agencies, and other stakeholders in the industry needed for my dissertation.
We kindly request you to provide the following information:
Number of Pig/Swine:
Dec. 21, 2023, 10:16 a.m.
December 21, 2023
Dear Roger Mission,
Thank you for your request dated Oct 19, 2023 07:17:58 AM under Executive Order No. 2 (s. 2016) on Freedom of Information in the Executive Branch.
You asked for Hog Raisers and Backyard Hog Raisers in the Philippines.
Your FOI request is approved.
Our apologies for the delayed response.
In reference to your data request, you may refer to our available published data below:
Selected Statistics on Agriculture: https://library.psa.gov.ph/cgi-bin/koha/opac-search.pl?q=se,phr:%22Selected%20Statistics%20on%20Agriculture%20(SSA).%22
Census of Agriculture and Fisheries: https://psa.gov.ph/statistics/caf https://psa.gov.ph/statistics/caf/stat-tables
https://library.psa.gov.ph/cgi-bin/koha/opac-search.pl?q=se,phr:%22CAF%20-%20Census%20of%20Agriculture%20and%20Fisheries.%22 https://openstat.psa.gov.ph/PXWeb/pxweb/en/DB/DB__2E__AFC/?tablelist=true&rxid=bdf9d8da-96f1-4100-ae09-18cb3eaeb313
Table 12. Number of Holdings/Farms with Other Agricultural Activities by Region and Province: Philippines, 2012: https://psa.gov.ph/system/files/2012%2520CAF_%2520Agriculture%2520Statistical%2520Tables.xlsx
Table 2. Number of Farms Reporting by Type of Poultry, Number of Birds, Region and Province: Philippines, 2012 : https://psa.gov.ph/system/files/2012%2520CAF_Livestock%2520and%2520Poultry%2520Tables.xlsx
Swine Situation Report Publication: https://psa.gov.ph/livestock-poultry-iprs/swine/inventory https://psa.gov.ph/livestock-poultry-iprs/swine/production
2022 Philippine Statistical Yearbook (PSY) Chapter 5 Agriculture and Agrarian Reform: https://psa.gov.ph/philippine-statistical-yearbook
Table 5.4 Volume and Value of Livestock and Poultry Production by Animal Type: 2017 to 2021: https://psa.gov.ph/system/files/psy/2022_T5_4.xlsx
Table 5.5 Total Inventory of Livestock and Poultry, by Type: 2003 to 2021: https://psa.gov.ph/system/files/psy/2022_T5_5.xlsx
OpenSTAT: Swine: Inventory by classification, Region, Province and by Quarter, 2010-2023: https://openstat.psa.gov.ph/PXWeb/pxweb/en/DB/DB__2E__LP__INV__NEW/0012E4FINS0.px/?rxid=bcb24cf2-9ed7-4a70-b41f-61ed8f4e7a78
Swine: Inventory by Farm Type and Age Classification, as of January 1, 2013-2020: https://openstat.psa.gov.ph/PXWeb/pxweb/en/DB/DB__2E__LP__INV__OLD/0072E4FINL4.px/?rxid=bcb24cf2-9ed7-4a70-b41f-61ed8f4e7a78
Livestock and Poultry: Inventory by Animal Type, as of 1 January 1950, 1955, 1960, 1965, 1970-2023: https://openstat.psa.gov.ph/PXWeb/pxweb/en/DB/DB__2E__LP__INV__NEW/0112E4FILP0.px/?rxid=bcb24cf2-9ed7-4a70-b41f-61ed8f4e7a78]
Livestock: Volume of Production by Animal Type, Region and by Quarter, 2000-2023: https://openstat.psa.gov.ph/PXWeb/pxweb/en/DB/DB__2E__LP__PDN/0012E4FPLS0.px/?rxid=8ddce93b-4d75-4d54-8277-0a94aeef7da6
Livestock: Volume of Production by Animal Type, by Region and Province, 2010-2022: https://openstat.psa.gov.ph/PXWeb/pxweb/en/DB/DB__2E__LP__PDN/0062E4FPLS1.px/?rxid=8ddce93b-4d75-4d54-8277-0a94aeef7da6
Livestock and Poultry: https://openstat.psa.gov.ph/Database/Livestock-and-Poultry https://openstat.psa.gov.ph/PXWeb/pxweb/en/DB/DB__2E__LP__PDN/?tablelist=true&rxid=bdf9d8da-96f1-4100-ae09-18cb3eaeb313
We would love to hear your Feedback so we can improve our services. Kindly fill out the PSA Customer feedback form from this link: https://tinyurl.com/OnlineCSSForm.
Thank you.
Rene C. Mendoza
(Assistant National Statistician)
Information Technology and Dissemination Service