17 January 2023
Dear Ms. Yu,
We refer to your letter dated 16 January 2023 11:21:14 AM about your request for the Economic contribution of the tourism sector in Palawan for 2015, 2019, and 2020, made under Executive Order No. 2 (s. 2016) on Freedom of Information in Executive Branch.
Before processing your request, please ensure that your request is fully compliant with Sections 13.3.a, 13.4, and 13.5.d of the Revised DOT FOI Manual by providing the following:
•Details of the requesting party such as name, contact information, affiliation, company, or organization; - kindly complete/update the missing details in your address;
•Specific reason for, or purpose of, the request for information. Please note that general averments such as “for research”, “for information”, “for legal purposes” or other similarly worded purposes shall NOT be considered to have met the requirements of specificity; - kindly specify how the data will be used by providing the name/title of research/ thesis/ study you are conducting with a brief background.
•If the requesting party is a natural person who is a member, employee, affiliated with, or related to a juridical entity, company, or organization, and the request is made not on behalf of such juridical entity, a company, or organization but arises from such membership, affiliation or relation, such other sufficient proof of authority. For example, for an employee or member, a copy of the company or organization I.D.; or for students, a copy of the school I.D., or written endorsement of the supervising teacher, professor, or instructor. Kindly send it via email at
[email protected].
The Revised DOT FOI Manual is accessible at http://tourism.gov.ph/transparency_seal.aspx
You may use the reply function on the eFOI portal at https://www.foi.gov.ph/requests/aglzfmVmb2ktcGhyHQsSB0NvbnRlbnQiEERPVC0yNzEwODAyNjM4NTUM, for request with ticket number #DOT-271080263855, to respond.
While we await your reply, your request will be put on hold. If we do not receive a reply on or before 11 April 2023 06:13:43 AM, your request will be closed.
We hope to hear from you at the soonest possible time.
Thank you.
Atty. Jennifer A. Olba
Acting DOT FOI Decision Maker