1 April 2022
This refers to your four eFOI requests received on 14 March 2022, 21 March 2022, and 24 March 2022 via the eFOI portal of the Home Development Mutual Fund (Fund) wherein you: (i) inquired whether the Fund may deduct from your regular monthly savings contribution your calamity loan balance which has not yet matured; and (ii) requested for your calamity loan records to check to total amount deducted from your regular monthly savings.
Our Office deemed it proper to raise this matter to and confer with the operating unit concerned – the Member Services Sector Support Unit (MSSSU).
Kindly be informed that pursuant to Item 15.6 of Circular No. 449, Modified Guidelines on the Pag-IBIG Fund Calamity Loan Program, the requirements for the immediate offsetting against the borrower’s Total Accumulated Value (TAV):
Immediate Offsetting against Borrower's TAV
Borrower may request for the immediate offsetting of his/her outstanding calamity loan balance against his/her TAV. It shall be effected upon approval of the borrower's request, provided, the request is based on the following justifiable reasons:
1. Total disability or insanity;
2. Separation from service by reason of health;
3. Death of member's immediate family member;
4. Distressed member due to unemployment limited to layoff and/or closure of company;
5. Critical illness of the member or any of his/her immediate family member, as certified by a licensed physician under one of the following categories, subject to the approval of the DCEO-Member Services Cluster:
• Cancer
• Organ Failure
• Heart-Related Illness
• Stroke
• Neuromuscular-Related Illness
6. Repatriation of OFW member from host country; and
7. Other meritorious grounds as may be approved for by the Board
Further, per our MSSSU all accounts that are nine (9) months past due will be automatically deducted from the member’s TAV. Our Billing and Collection generates a list of accounts that are nine (9) months past due. The list will be endorsed to the STL Accounting Division for validation. Our Members Contribution Accounting Division will process and approve the TAV Offsetting.
For easy reference, the Modified Guidelines on the Pag-IBIG Fund Calamity Loan Program may be accessed through the following link: https://www.pagibigfund.gov.ph/document/pdf/circulars/provident/Circular%20No.%20449%20-%20Modified%20Guidelines%20on%20the%20Pag-IBIG%20Fund%20Calamity%20Loan%20Program.pdf
However, with regard to your request for records, please be informed that Section 3 of Executive Order No. 2, series of 2016 (Executive Order) grants every Filipino citizen the right to access information, official records, public records and to documents and papers pertaining to official acts, transactions or decisions, as well as to government research data used as basis for policy development.
In accordance with the aforementioned Executive Order, the Pag-IBIG Fund People’s Freedom of Information Manual (Manual) also states that “Information for Disclosure” includes: information promoting the awareness and understanding of policies, programs, activities, rules or regulations affecting the public, government agencies, and the community and economy (Section 2 of the Manual).
In other words, the nature and subject of requests for information pursuant to Executive Order No. 2, series of 2016 refer to the right of Filipino citizens to information on matters of public concern. It excludes requests pertaining to personal transactions with the Fund, which necessarily involves disclosure of personal information.
Considering that your request pertains to your personal transaction and record with the Fund, this is not covered under the aforementioned Executive Order and Manual.
However, may we provide the following options on how you can obtain the details you need through the Pag-IBIG Fund Contact Center:
1. Phone call at (+632) 8-724-4244: Weekdays and Saturdays from 8:00am to 5:00pm;
2. Email at
[email protected]: Weekdays from 6:00am to 12:00am and Weekends from 10:00am to 7:00pm; or
3. Chat in our website at https://www.pagibigfund.gov.ph: Daily from 8:00am to 7:00pm.
Thank you.
Very truly yours,
Department Manager III, Legal Department and
Deputy Compliance Officer