Oct. 3, 2023, 5:49 a.m.
To whom it may concern,
Good day! I would like to request the following data:
1.) Number of housing units, by type of building (single, duplex, etc.) and construction materials of Cordova, Cebu, Philippines
2.) Tenure on the house and home lot of Cordova, Cebu, Philippines
3.) Employment rate, by sector of Cordova, Cebu, Philippines
Dec. 4, 2023, 10:39 a.m.
December 4, 2023
Dear Angela Santos,
Thank you for your request dated Oct 03, 2023 05:49:46 AM under Executive Order No. 2 (s. 2016) on Freedom of Information in the Executive Branch.
You asked for Basic Demographics in Cordova, Cebu, Philippines.
Your FOI request is approved.
Our apologies for the delayed response.
In reference to your data request, our data on this are limited to the following:
(a) Number of housing units, by type of building (single, duplex, etc.) and construction materials of Cordova, Cebu, Philippines/ Tenure on the house and home lot of Cordova, Cebu, Philippines
Census of Population and Housing (CPH): https://psa.gov.ph/statistics/population-and-housing
Statistical Tables: https://psa.gov.ph/statistics/population-and-housing/stat-tables
Publications: https://library.psa.gov.ph/cgi-bin/koha/opac-search.pl?q=se,phr:%22CPH%20-%20Census%20of%20Population%20and%20Housing%22
Majority of Households in the Philippines Own/Amortize Their Housing Units/Lots (2020 Census of Population and Housing)
Household Characteristics (2020 Census of Population and Housing)
Housing Characteristics in the Philippines (2020 Census of Population and Housing): https://psa.gov.ph/statistics/population-and-housing/node/1684059631
Annual Poverty Indicators Survey (APIS): https://psa.gov.ph/statistics/income-expenditure/apis
Statistical Tables: https://psa.gov.ph/statistics/income-expenditure/apis/stat-tables
Publications: https://library.psa.gov.ph/cgi-bin/koha/opac-search.pl?q=se,phr:%22APIS%20-%20Annual%20Poverty%20Indicators%20Survey%22
Three in Every Five Families Owned the House and Lot They Occupied
(b) Employment rate, by sector of Cordova, Cebu, Philippines
Labor Force Survey (LFS): https://psa.gov.ph/statistics/labor-force-survey
Releases: https://psa.gov.ph/statistics/labor-force-survey/press-release
Publiations: https://library.psa.gov.ph/cgi-bin/koha/opac-search.pl?q=se,phr:%22LFS%20-%20Labor%20Force%20Survey%22
Employment Rate in July 2023 was Estimated at 95.2 Percent
Integrated Survey of Households Bulletin (Series No. 186): Labor Force, April 2020: https://library.psa.gov.ph/cgi-bin/koha/opac-detail.pl?biblionumber=15920&query_desc=se%2Cphr%3A%22LFS%20-%20Labor%20Force%20Survey%22
Labor Force Participation Rate, Employment Rate, Unemployment Rate and Underemployment Rate, Philippines: January 2005 to January 2023
Labor Force Survey (LFS)
Philippine Statistical Yearbook (PSY): https://psa.gov.ph/philippine-statistical-yearbook
2022 (PSY): https://psa.gov.ph/system/files/psy/%28ons-cleared%29_psy2022_manuscript_June29_ONSF%20%281%29-signed.pdf
Chapter 1: Population and Housing: https://psa.gov.ph/system/files/psy/1_2022.xlsx
Table 1.25 Number of Households in Occupied Housing Units by Status of Tenure and by Region: 2015: https://psa.gov.ph/system/files/psy/2022_T1_25.xlsx
Table 1.26 Occupied Housing Units by Construction Materials of the Outer Walls and Roof: 2015: https://psa.gov.ph/system/files/psy/2022_T1_26.xlsx
Chapter 11: Labor and Employment: https://psa.gov.ph/system/files/psy/11_2022.xlsx
Table 11.1 Total Population 15 Years Old and Over by Employment Status and Region: 2012 to 2021: https://psa.gov.ph/system/files/psy/2022_T11_1.xlsx
We would love to hear your Feedback so we can improve our services. Kindly fill out the PSA Customer feedback form from this link: https://tinyurl.com/OnlineCSSForm.
Thank you.
Rene C. Mendoza
(Assistant National Statistician)
Information Technology and Dissemination Service