Published by Philippine Sugar Corporation(PHILSUCOR) on Feb. 7, 2020.
Requested from PHILSUCOR by A. Dela Pasion at 10:29 AM on
Feb. 7, 2020.
Purpose: For College Thesis
Date of Coverage: 02/07/2000 - 02/07/2020
Tracking no: #PHILSUCOR-283370132056
Feb. 7, 2020, 10:29 a.m.
Good day! I would like to request information about:
1. Production of Sugarcanes in the Philippines yearly
2. Locations of Sugarcane farms and mills in the Philippines
3. Agricultural wastes from Sugarcane Farming
4. Applications of Agricultural wastes from Sugarcane Farming (Bagasse)
Looking for your response at its possible earliest.
Thank you.
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