Dear eFOI user,
This refers to your request, which we received on 22 October 2024, concerning the Comprehensive Land Use Plan (CLUP) of City of Manila and requesting a representative for face-to-face interview.
Per records of the Environmental, Land Use and Urban Planning Bureau (ELUPDB), of this Department, there is no existing approved CLUP for the City of Manila. The only available information relative to your request is a copy of Metro Manila Zoning Ordinance (MMZO) No. 81-01.
Relative thereto, a copy of MMZO No. 81-01 is hereby released exclusively for purpose related to your academic research. Please download the information through the link, Metro Manila Zoning Ordinance.
In addition, concerning your request for face-to-face interview, the ELUPDB advised that a formal letter be addressed to Ms. Mylene A. Rivera, Director IV of the ELUPDB, indicating the objectives of the meeting and possible questions.
If you are dissatisfied with our response to your FOI request, you have the option to request an internal review. To initiate this process, kindly submit your written appeal for review addressed to Atty. Randy B. Escolango, Ph.D., Undersecretary for Administrative and Finance Services at DHSUD Building, Mayaman St, Kalayaan Ave, Diliman, Quezon City, Metro Manila or email at records Please provide a detailed explanation of your dissatisfaction with our response within 15 calendar days from the date of receiving this response. We will conduct the review and communicate the outcome within 30 calendar days from the receipt of your review request.
Please acknowledge receipt. Moreover, for monitoring and evaluation purposes, we shall appreciate your feedback on how well we have served you by completing the DHSUD's FOI Feedback/Survey Form through this link:
We hope you can accomplish the feedback in three days upon receipt.
Thank you.
FOI Officer
Department of Human Settlements and Urban Development