Access Information from all participating agencies on FOI
Corporate arm of the Department of Energy
Tobacco regulatory agency
To accelerate the development of the dairy industry in the in the Philippines
Providing a Globally Competitive Environment for Investments
The ECC is a government corporation. It is attached to the Department of Labor and Employment for policy coordination and guidance.
Government arm for the implementation and development of renewable energy and energy efficiency programs
A subsidiary of LANDBANK engaged in leasing and financing of equipment and other capital assets
Agency in charge of making policies supporting the Philippine Biofuels Program and ensure security of domestic sugar supply. Official Email: [email protected]
Implementing arm of the Bases Conversion and Development Authority (BCDA).
We go the extra mile.
Marketing Arm of the Department of Tourism Philippines
The National Kidney and Transplant Institute was created with a three fold mission of Service, Training and Research primarily for the benefit of the Filipino people afflicted with kidney and allied diseases and in pursuance of the policy of the State to secure the well being of the people providing them with the specialized health and medical services.
Agency in charge of providing post harvest facilities for the development of the fisheries.
Championing cultural heritage and Filipino identity hinged on diversity.
Operate, administer, manage, and develop the Clark Freeport Zone (CFZ) and the Clark Special Economic Zone (CSEZ)
A GOCC that revolutionized the development partnership called the LWUA-Water District Concept.
To Ensure Availability, Accessibility ,Affordability and Safety of Staple Food
LANDBANK is a government financial institution committed to providing financial solutions and services for all Filipinos, from countryside to countrywide, leveraging technological innovations in pursuit of development, inclusion and sustainability.
Provides health insurance coverage for Filipinos
FTI is the operator of an Agro Industrial Estate in Taguig City
Provider of clean, portable and affordable water and related services
Establish, develop, regulate, manage and operate a rationalized national port system in support of trade and national development
Service through policy research
The GSIS is a government owned and controlled corporation (GOCC) and was created by Commonwealth Act No. 186 passed on November 14, 1936.
A Special Economic Zone in the City of Zamboanga, and the only Freeport in Visayas and Mindanao
Government-Owned Financial Institution
Duty-and tax-free government owned merchandising system
The Cultural Center of the Philippines is the premier showcase of arts and culture in the Philippines
Leasing Arm of the Development Bank of The Philippines
Encourage, promote and develop international and domestic air traffic in the Central Visayas and Mindanao regions
Investment arm of the government
provides agri-credit guarantee
The Philippine Reclamation Authority (formerly Public Estates Authority), one of the Governments most active development agencies, was created in 1977 by virtue of Presidential Decree 1084 to serve primarily as the clearinghouse for all reclamation projects in the country.
The DAP fulfills its mandate through its core competencies in training and education, technical assistance, consulting, and strategic research and studies
Government Owned and Controlled Corporation
PNOC EC is the upstream oil, gas and coal subsidiary of the state-owned Philippine National Oil Company
PTV is the television broadcast arm of the government information dissemination system
Administration and Management of the Palacio Del Gobernador Building.
A 200 bed capacity Tertiary Specialty Hospitalfor research, training, and serving patients from newborn to 19 years old and high risk pregnant women.
LBP Resources and development Corporation is the wholly own and controlled subsidiary of LANDBANK that is presently engaged in construction, manpower services, ACU maintenance, project management, brokening services and real state management and development.
Assistance to farmers in Agricultural Development
Implementing agency of the governments agricultural insurance program
The Philippines Premiere tomato paste company
Creating opportunities beyond gaming
A government-owned and controlled corporation mandated to administer, promote and develop the Freeport Area of Bataan.
The Philippine International Convention Center is a government owned institution, organized pursuant to Presidential Decree No. 520 (s. 1974), as an international conference center suitable for the holding of international conferences, meetings, and the like.
Operating and implementing arm of the Bases Conversion and Development Authority over the Poro Point Freeport Zone (PPFZ)
Deposit insurer, bank regulator and statutory receiver of closed banks
Provides guarantee facilities to trade and investments, exports, infrastructure, energy, tourism, agricultural business/modernization, housing MSMEs and other priority sectors of the economy.
It is a multi-role government agency responsible for the regulation of aviation in the Philippines.
Develop, construct, manage and operate a world-class and environmentally sustainable rail transport system between Metro Manila and the Central and Northern Luzon.
Generate funds for health programs and charities of national character
UNACOM’s original mandate was to serve as an advisory and liaison body bridging the work of relevant Philippine partners to UNESCO’s own work but has evolved to be the primary enabling agency in maximizing Philippine engagement in UNESCO and in advancing UNESCO programs in the Philippines.
Laguna Lake Development is a government instrumentality with corporate powers (Sec. 3 (n), RA No. 10149) responsible for the development and balanced growth of the Laguna de Bay Region.
Recognized Government Printer
The Philippine Institute of Traditional and Alternative Health (PITAHC), a government-owned and controlled corporation (GOCC) attached to the Department of Health (DOH), was created under Republic Act No. 8423 or the Traditional and Alternative Medicine Act (TAMA) of 1997, and is mandated to improve the quality of health care services in the Philippines by developing and integrating traditional and alternative health care (TAHC) into the national health care system.
Monitoring of Concession Agreement
The MWSS is a Philippine Government instrumentality with corporate powers created under R.A. No. 6234 (MWSS Charter). It is mandated to own and/or have jurisdiction, supervision, and control over all waterworks and sewerage system in its franchise area comprising the Metro Manila, Rizal Province and portions of Cavite and Bulacan Province.
The agency that establishes tourism enterprise zones and undertake tourism infrastructure projects that contribute to inclusive growth.
Perform missionary electrification function, operate and maintain undisposed generating assets, manage and rehabilitate watersheds and dams.
The Veterans Federation of the Philippines is a Government-Owned and Controlled Corporation created through Republic Act 2640 with voluntary membership requirements to serve the best interests of veterans and retired servicemen of the country.
Insurance broker of Land Bank of the Philippines
Rural Electrification Program Implementer of the Government
Government-Owned and Controlled Corporation.
A government owned and controlled corporation primarily responsible for irrigation development and management attached to the Office of the Cabinet Secretary.
Corporate arm of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources mandated to promote natural resource development and conservation
CIAC is a subsidiary of the Bases Conversion and Development Authority and is also an attached agency of the Department of Transportation.
Financing arm of the Department of Trade and Inductry
DCI is a GOCC that provides IT solutions and other IT related services
A key shelter agency and provident fund.
Operations and Administrative Management of Corregidor Island.
A government-owned and controlled corporation mandated to transform former US military bases and Metro Manila camps into premier centers of economic growth
Subsidiary of the Philippine Veterans Investment Development Corporation (PHIVIDEC).
A state-owned railway company in the Philippines, operating a single line of track on Luzon.
The PRA is a government owned and controlled corporation (GOCC) attached to the Department of Tourism (DOT) that promotes and processes the Special Resident Retirees Visa (SRRV) of foreign nationals who prefer the Philippines as their retirement destination.
Government Owned and Controlled Corporation (GOCC) Tertiary Specialty Hospital for Lung and Chest Diseases.
Designated Postal Operator of the Philippines
Government's partner in building the tollroad for nations progress
Social Insurance Institution for workers in the private sector, the informal sector and overseas Filipinos.
Building A Culture of Quality
Build, operate and maintain ports under its network
A tertiary healthcare institution committed to caring for patients with cardiovascular diseases and related ailments.
Planning and Coordinating body of 4th Congressional District of Camarines Sur
Enhance people mobility and provide world class light rail transport systems with continued commitment to excellence in service.
A Savings Bank of LANDBANK
The PHILIPPINE COCONUT AUTHORITY is the sole government agency that is tasked to develop the industry to its full potential in line with the new vision of a united, globally competitive and efficient coconut industry.
The export promotion arm of the Philippine Department of Trade and Industry (DTI)
O & M company of the Manila Cavite Toll Expressway Project, now known as Cavitex.
A Research and Development Institute under the Department of Agriculture
GOCC that support the sugar industry thru credit financing.
Philippine Pharma Procurement Inc.
The Cagayan Economic Zone Authority (CEZA) is a government owned and controlled corporation created by virtue of Republic Act 7922, otherwise known as the Cagayan Special Economic Zone Act of 1995.
The government's arm for the development of the Philippine Aviation Industry.
A non stock, non profit corporate foundation of Land Bank of the Philippines (LANDBANK), established in March 1983, and was classified as a government owned and controlled corporation (GOCC) by the Governance Commission for GOCCs (GCG) in 2013.
The PMDC is primarily tasked on all kinds of mineral deposits and substances.
CIIF Oil Mills Group is a conglomeration of six (6) wholly Government-owned and controlled coconut oil mills acquired through excess funds coming from the Coconut Consumers Stabilization Fund and Coconut Industry Development Funds (Coco Levy Funds).
The only credit registry of the Philippines.
Tungo sa Malikhain at Makabagong Pilipinas
Power and other disposable assets privatization arm of the Government
The Social Housing Finance Corporation (SHFC) was created through Executive Order No. 272 (E.O.272), which directs the transfer of the Community Mortgage Program (CMP), Abot Kaya Pabahay Fund (AKPF) Program, and other social housing powers and functions of the National Home Mortgage Finance Corporation to the SHFC.
A National Scout Organization (NSO) that provides its members and volunteers a foreground to hone their skills in service of God, country, fellowmen and self.