National Bureau of Investigation

Browse over 9047 request from this government agency

margareth rillo as dreaded blacklisted hardcoded banned criminal in Asian Development Bank

Published by National Bureau of Investigation(NBI) on Dec. 4, 2023.
Requested from NBI by R. Bolongaita at 10:22 PM on Dec. 4, 2023.
Purpose: PNP Blotter Report for suspect margareth rillo employment banned permanent death in PH.
Date of Coverage: 01/01/2016 - 12/04/2023
Tracking no: #NBI-266230028267

margareth rillo jobless suspect for murder and JobStreet blacklist scammer with PNP criminal record.

Published by National Bureau of Investigation(NBI) on Dec. 4, 2023.
Requested from NBI by R. Bolongaita at 10:05 PM on Dec. 4, 2023.
Purpose: PNP Blotter Report for suspect margareth rillo employment banned permanent death in PH.
Date of Coverage: 01/01/2016 - 12/04/2023
Tracking no: #NBI-981764403659

Theft, Sextortion, Sexual Assault and Sexual harrassment serial killer margareth rillo

Published by National Bureau of Investigation(NBI) on Dec. 4, 2023.
Requested from NBI by R. Bolongaita at 10:00 PM on Dec. 4, 2023.
Purpose: PNP Blotter Report for suspect margareth rillo employment banned permanent death in PH.
Date of Coverage: 01/01/2016 - 12/04/2023
Tracking no: #NBI-869019908602

margareth rillo convicted permanently banned real-time blacklist in PH companies for theft/robbery

Published by National Bureau of Investigation(NBI) on Dec. 4, 2023.
Requested from NBI by R. Bolongaita at 09:55 PM on Dec. 4, 2023.
Purpose: PNP Blotter Report for suspect margareth rillo employment banned permanent death in PH.
Date of Coverage: 01/01/2016 - 12/04/2023
Tracking no: #NBI-605803002696

margareth rillo,Jen,carol,maxima the lords flock charismatic witchcraft group serial killer real.

Published by National Bureau of Investigation(NBI) on Dec. 4, 2023.
Requested from NBI by R. Bolongaita at 09:52 PM on Dec. 4, 2023.
Purpose: PNP Blotter Report for suspect margareth rillo employment banned permanent death in PH.
Date of Coverage: 01/01/2016 - 12/04/2023
Tracking no: #NBI-225971678777

margareth rillo family convicted serial killer involve in spiritual witchcraft occultism in PH.

Published by National Bureau of Investigation(NBI) on Dec. 4, 2023.
Requested from NBI by R. Bolongaita at 09:50 PM on Dec. 4, 2023.
Purpose: PNP Blotter Report for suspect margareth rillo employment banned permanent death in PH.
Date of Coverage: 01/01/2016 - 12/04/2023
Tracking no: #NBI-174608414058

PH NCR serial killer margareth rillo blacklisted blackout period reported in NBI

Published by National Bureau of Investigation(NBI) on Dec. 4, 2023.
Requested from NBI by R. Bolongaita at 09:46 PM on Dec. 4, 2023.
Purpose: PNP Blotter Report for suspect margareth rillo employment banned permanent death in PH.
Date of Coverage: 01/01/2016 - 12/04/2023
Tracking no: #NBI-094976048795

margareth rillo convicted as serial killer real-time blacklisted 42 age at San Juan Manila.

Published by National Bureau of Investigation(NBI) on Dec. 4, 2023.
Requested from NBI by R. Bolongaita at 09:44 PM on Dec. 4, 2023.
Purpose: PNP Blotter Report for suspect margareth rillo employment banned permanent death in PH.
Date of Coverage: 01/01/2016 - 12/04/2023
Tracking no: #NBI-396840189296

margareth rillo serial killer blacklisted issue in NBI Philippines.

Published by National Bureau of Investigation(NBI) on Dec. 4, 2023.
Requested from NBI by R. Bolongaita at 09:41 PM on Dec. 4, 2023.
Purpose: PNP Blotter Report for suspect margareth rillo employment banned permanent death in PH.
Date of Coverage: 01/01/2016 - 12/04/2023
Tracking no: #NBI-153709203519

marilyn mabeza pante wanted for theft,child abuse in Taytay Rizal reported in NBI by margareth rillo

Published by National Bureau of Investigation(NBI) on Dec. 4, 2023.
Requested from NBI by R. Bolongaita at 09:34 PM on Dec. 4, 2023.
Purpose: PNP Blotter Report for suspect marilyn pante live in Bicol region.
Date of Coverage: 01/01/2016 - 12/04/2023
Tracking no: #NBI-390057608051

NCR serial killer blacklist margareth rillo reported in NBI

Published by National Bureau of Investigation(NBI) on Dec. 4, 2023.
Requested from NBI by R. Bolongaita at 09:30 PM on Dec. 4, 2023.
Purpose: PNP Blotter Report for suspect margareth rillo employment banned permanent death in PH.
Date of Coverage: 01/01/2016 - 12/04/2023
Tracking no: #NBI-018315875390

marilyn mabeza pante wanted for theft,child abuse in Taytay Rizal reported in NBI by margareth rillo

Published by National Bureau of Investigation(NBI) on Dec. 3, 2023.
Requested from NBI by R. Bolongaita at 10:40 AM on Dec. 3, 2023.
Purpose: PNP Blotter Report for suspect marilyn pante live in Bicol region.
Date of Coverage: 01/01/2016 - 12/03/2023
Tracking no: #NBI-953994816576

NCR serial killer blacklist margareth rillo reported in NBI

Published by National Bureau of Investigation(NBI) on Dec. 3, 2023.
Requested from NBI by R. Bolongaita at 10:38 AM on Dec. 3, 2023.
Purpose: PNP Blotter Report for suspect margareth rillo employment banned permanent death in PH.
Date of Coverage: 01/01/2016 - 12/03/2023
Tracking no: #NBI-033358070525

I need help to get back my funds from scammers

Published by National Bureau of Investigation(NBI) on Dec. 2, 2023.
Requested from NBI by P. Patalinghug at 05:19 PM on Dec. 2, 2023.
Purpose: To get my money back from scammers
Date of Coverage: 11/29/2023 - 12/02/2023
Tracking no: #NBI-944952053405

NCR serial killer blacklist margareth rillo reported in NBI

Published by National Bureau of Investigation(NBI) on Dec. 2, 2023.
Requested from NBI by R. Bolongaita at 01:49 PM on Dec. 2, 2023.
Purpose: PNP Blotter Report for suspect margareth rillo employment banned permanent death in PH.
Date of Coverage: 01/01/2016 - 12/02/2023
Tracking no: #NBI-666905201372

margareth rillo convicted as serial killer real-time blacklisted 42 age at San Juan Manila.

Published by National Bureau of Investigation(NBI) on Dec. 2, 2023.
Requested from NBI by R. Bolongaita at 01:47 PM on Dec. 2, 2023.
Purpose: PNP Blotter Report for suspect margareth rillo employment banned permanent death in PH.
Date of Coverage: 01/01/2016 - 12/02/2023
Tracking no: #NBI-487864906082

PH NCR serial killer margareth rillo blacklisted blackout period reported in NBI

Published by National Bureau of Investigation(NBI) on Dec. 2, 2023.
Requested from NBI by R. Bolongaita at 01:45 PM on Dec. 2, 2023.
Purpose: PNP Blotter Report for suspect margareth rillo employment banned permanent death in PH.
Date of Coverage: 01/01/2016 - 12/02/2023
Tracking no: #NBI-912669894472

margareth rillo family convicted serial killer involve in spiritual witchcraft occultism in PH.

Published by National Bureau of Investigation(NBI) on Dec. 2, 2023.
Requested from NBI by R. Bolongaita at 01:42 PM on Dec. 2, 2023.
Purpose: PNP Blotter Report for suspect margareth rillo employment banned permanent death in PH.
Date of Coverage: 01/01/2016 - 12/02/2023
Tracking no: #NBI-881664098351

margareth rillo,Jen,carol,maxima the lords flock charismatic witchcraft group serial killer real.

Published by National Bureau of Investigation(NBI) on Dec. 2, 2023.
Requested from NBI by R. Bolongaita at 01:40 PM on Dec. 2, 2023.
Purpose: PNP Blotter Report for suspect margareth rillo employment banned permanent death in PH.
Date of Coverage: 01/01/2016 - 12/02/2023
Tracking no: #NBI-459042242919

margareth rillo convicted permanently banned real-time blacklist in PH companies for theft/robbery

Published by National Bureau of Investigation(NBI) on Dec. 2, 2023.
Requested from NBI by R. Bolongaita at 01:37 PM on Dec. 2, 2023.
Purpose: PNP Blotter Report for suspect margareth rillo employment banned permanent death in PH.
Date of Coverage: 01/01/2016 - 12/02/2023
Tracking no: #NBI-441573162767

Theft, Sextortion, Sexual Assault and Sexual harrassment serial killer margareth rillo

Published by National Bureau of Investigation(NBI) on Dec. 2, 2023.
Requested from NBI by R. Bolongaita at 01:20 PM on Dec. 2, 2023.
Purpose: PNP Blotter Report for suspect margareth rillo employment banned permanent death in PH.
Date of Coverage: Invalid date - 12/02/2023
Tracking no: #NBI-065919572319

Theft, Sextortion, Sexual Assault and Sexual harrassment serial killer margareth rillo

Published by National Bureau of Investigation(NBI) on Dec. 1, 2023.
Requested from NBI by R. Bolongaita at 09:27 PM on Dec. 1, 2023.
Purpose: PNP Blotter Report for suspect margareth rillo employment banned permanent death in PH.
Date of Coverage: 01/01/2016 - 12/01/2023
Tracking no: #NBI-967086454328

margareth rillo convicted permanently banned real-time blacklist in PH companies for theft/robbery

Published by National Bureau of Investigation(NBI) on Dec. 1, 2023.
Requested from NBI by R. Bolongaita at 09:19 PM on Dec. 1, 2023.
Purpose: PNP Blotter Report for suspect margareth rillo employment banned permanent death in PH.
Date of Coverage: 01/01/2016 - 12/01/2023
Tracking no: #NBI-398322150352

margareth rillo,Jen,carol,maxima the lords flock charismatic witchcraft group serial killer real.

Published by National Bureau of Investigation(NBI) on Dec. 1, 2023.
Requested from NBI by R. Bolongaita at 09:15 PM on Dec. 1, 2023.
Purpose: PNP Blotter Report for suspect margareth rillo employment banned permanent death in PH.
Date of Coverage: 01/01/2016 - 12/01/2023
Tracking no: #NBI-910953924628

margareth rillo family convicted serial killer involve in spiritual witchcraft occultism in PH.

Published by National Bureau of Investigation(NBI) on Dec. 1, 2023.
Requested from NBI by R. Bolongaita at 09:10 PM on Dec. 1, 2023.
Purpose: PNP Blotter Report for suspect margareth rillo employment banned permanent death in PH.
Date of Coverage: 01/01/2016 - 12/01/2023
Tracking no: #NBI-652671409249

Refund Request of my Payment for NBI Clearance

Published by National Bureau of Investigation(NBI) on Dec. 1, 2023.
Requested from NBI by M. Ongaria at 01:09 PM on Dec. 1, 2023.
Purpose: For refund of my payment due to unintentional mistake.
Date of Coverage: 12/01/2023 - 12/01/2023
Tracking no: #NBI-441960462532


Published by National Bureau of Investigation(NBI) on Dec. 1, 2023.
Requested from NBI by M. Ongaria at 12:33 PM on Dec. 1, 2023.
Purpose: For refund of payment due to unintentional mistake.
Date of Coverage: 12/01/2023 - 12/01/2023
Tracking no: #NBI-225261162556

margareth rillo convicted as serial killer real-time blacklisted 42 age at San Juan Manila.

Published by National Bureau of Investigation(NBI) on Dec. 1, 2023.
Requested from NBI by R. Bolongaita at 03:30 AM on Dec. 1, 2023.
Purpose: PNP Blotter Report for suspect margareth rillo employment banned permanent death in PH.
Date of Coverage: 01/01/2016 - 12/01/2023
Tracking no: #NBI-905028076336

PH NCR serial killer margareth rillo blacklisted blackout period reported in NBI

Published by National Bureau of Investigation(NBI) on Dec. 1, 2023.
Requested from NBI by R. Bolongaita at 01:04 AM on Dec. 1, 2023.
Purpose: PNP Blotter Report for suspect margareth rillo employment banned permanent death in PH.
Date of Coverage: 01/01/2016 - 12/01/2023
Tracking no: #NBI-244081310326

PH NCR serial killer margareth rillo blacklisted blackout period reported in NBI

Published by National Bureau of Investigation(NBI) on Nov. 30, 2023.
Requested from NBI by R. Bolongaita at 10:58 PM on Nov. 30, 2023.
Purpose: PNP Blotter Report for suspect margareth rillo employment banned permanent death in PH.
Date of Coverage: 01/01/2016 - 11/30/2023
Tracking no: #NBI-780628312566

margareth rillo family convicted serial killer involve in spiritual witchcraft occultism in PH.

Published by National Bureau of Investigation(NBI) on Nov. 30, 2023.
Requested from NBI by R. Bolongaita at 10:51 PM on Nov. 30, 2023.
Purpose: PNP Blotter Report for suspect margareth rillo employment banned permanent death in PH.
Date of Coverage: 01/01/2016 - 11/30/2023
Tracking no: #NBI-399967516643

margareth rillo,Jen,carol,maxima the lords flock charismatic witchcraft group serial killer real.

Published by National Bureau of Investigation(NBI) on Nov. 30, 2023.
Requested from NBI by R. Bolongaita at 07:39 PM on Nov. 30, 2023.
Purpose: PNP Blotter Report for suspect margareth rillo employment banned permanent death in PH.
Date of Coverage: 01/01/2016 - 11/30/2023
Tracking no: #NBI-443487998027

PH NCR serial killer margareth rillo blacklisted blackout period reported in NBI

Published by National Bureau of Investigation(NBI) on Nov. 30, 2023.
Requested from NBI by R. Bolongaita at 07:36 PM on Nov. 30, 2023.
Purpose: PNP Blotter Report for suspect margareth rillo employment banned permanent death in PH.
Date of Coverage: 01/01/2016 - 11/30/2023
Tracking no: #NBI-114112740334

margareth rillo convicted permanently banned real-time blacklist in PH companies for theft/robbery

Published by National Bureau of Investigation(NBI) on Nov. 30, 2023.
Requested from NBI by R. Bolongaita at 07:34 PM on Nov. 30, 2023.
Purpose: PNP Blotter Report for suspect margareth rillo employment banned permanent death in PH.
Date of Coverage: 01/01/2016 - 11/30/2023
Tracking no: #NBI-862615302389

Theft, Sextortion, Sexual Assault and Sexual harrassment serial killer margareth rillo

Published by National Bureau of Investigation(NBI) on Nov. 30, 2023.
Requested from NBI by R. Bolongaita at 07:27 PM on Nov. 30, 2023.
Purpose: PNP Blotter Report for suspect margareth rillo employment banned permanent death in PH.
Date of Coverage: 01/01/2016 - 11/30/2023
Tracking no: #NBI-850367028935

NCR serial killer blacklist margareth rillo reported in NBI

Published by National Bureau of Investigation(NBI) on Nov. 30, 2023.
Requested from NBI by R. Bolongaita at 07:21 PM on Nov. 30, 2023.
Purpose: PNP Blotter Report for suspect margareth rillo employment banned permanent death in PH.
Date of Coverage: 01/01/2016 - 11/30/2023
Tracking no: #NBI-247178582831

OLA Accessing my Contacts and Calling them

Published by National Bureau of Investigation(NBI) on Nov. 30, 2023.
Requested from NBI by J. Navalta at 06:13 PM on Nov. 30, 2023.
Purpose: Report
Date of Coverage: 11/30/2023 - 11/30/2023
Tracking no: #NBI-327686707738

Request for identification of dummy accounts for libel case

Published by National Bureau of Investigation(NBI) on Nov. 30, 2023.
Requested from NBI by R. Regala at 03:37 PM on Nov. 30, 2023.
Purpose: For libel case
Date of Coverage: 05/19/2023 - 11/11/2023
Tracking no: #NBI-726260187063

margareth rillo serial killer blacklisted issue in NBI Philippines.

Published by National Bureau of Investigation(NBI) on Nov. 30, 2023.
Requested from NBI by R. Bolongaita at 02:42 PM on Nov. 30, 2023.
Purpose: PNP Blotter Report for suspect margareth rillo employment banned permanent death in PH.
Date of Coverage: 01/01/2016 - 11/30/2023
Tracking no: #NBI-696919984275

NCR serial killer blacklist margareth rillo reported in NBI

Published by National Bureau of Investigation(NBI) on Nov. 30, 2023.
Requested from NBI by R. Bolongaita at 02:33 PM on Nov. 30, 2023.
Purpose: PNP Blotter Report for suspect margareth rillo employment banned permanent death in PH.
Date of Coverage: 01/01/2016 - 11/30/2023
Tracking no: #NBI-681116923510

margareth rillo jobless suspect for murder and JobStreet blacklist scammer with PNP criminal record.

Published by National Bureau of Investigation(NBI) on Nov. 30, 2023.
Requested from NBI by R. Bolongaita at 02:30 PM on Nov. 30, 2023.
Purpose: PNP Blotter Report for suspect margareth rillo employment banned permanent death in PH.
Date of Coverage: 01/01/2017 - 11/30/2023
Tracking no: #NBI-405347178122

marilyn mabeza pante wanted for theft,child abuse in Taytay Rizal reported in NBI by margareth rillo

Published by National Bureau of Investigation(NBI) on Nov. 30, 2023.
Requested from NBI by R. Bolongaita at 02:24 PM on Nov. 30, 2023.
Purpose: PNP Blotter Report for suspect margareth rillo employment banned permanent death in PH.
Date of Coverage: 01/01/2016 - 11/30/2023
Tracking no: #NBI-323171903504

marilyn mabeza pante wanted for theft,child abuse in Taytay Rizal reported in NBI by margareth rillo

Published by National Bureau of Investigation(NBI) on Nov. 29, 2023.
Requested from NBI by R. Bolongaita at 09:51 AM on Nov. 29, 2023.
Purpose: PNP Blotter Report for suspect marilyn pante live in Bicol region.
Date of Coverage: 01/01/2016 - 11/29/2023
Tracking no: #NBI-356922596208

margareth rillo jobless suspect for murder and JobStreet blacklist scammer with PNP criminal record.

Published by National Bureau of Investigation(NBI) on Nov. 29, 2023.
Requested from NBI by R. Bolongaita at 09:45 AM on Nov. 29, 2023.
Purpose: PNP Blotter Report for suspect margareth rillo employment banned permanent death in PH.
Date of Coverage: 01/01/2016 - 11/29/2023
Tracking no: #NBI-325029937583

NCR serial killer blacklist margareth rillo reported in NBI

Published by National Bureau of Investigation(NBI) on Nov. 29, 2023.
Requested from NBI by R. Bolongaita at 09:43 AM on Nov. 29, 2023.
Purpose: PNP Blotter Report for suspect margareth rillo employment banned permanent death in PH.
Date of Coverage: 01/01/2016 - 11/29/2023
Tracking no: #NBI-325328459584

NCR serial killer blacklist margareth rillo reported in NBI

Published by National Bureau of Investigation(NBI) on Nov. 28, 2023.
Requested from NBI by R. Bolongaita at 12:35 AM on Nov. 28, 2023.
Purpose: PNP Blotter Report for suspect margareth rillo employment banned permanent death in PH.
Date of Coverage: 01/01/2016 - 11/28/2023
Tracking no: #NBI-043791640990

margareth rillo jobless suspect for murder and JobStreet blacklist scammer with PNP criminal record.

Published by National Bureau of Investigation(NBI) on Nov. 28, 2023.
Requested from NBI by R. Bolongaita at 12:32 AM on Nov. 28, 2023.
Purpose: PNP Blotter Report for suspect margareth rillo employment banned permanent death in PH.
Date of Coverage: 01/01/2016 - 11/28/2023
Tracking no: #NBI-975273072322

marilyn mabeza pante wanted for theft,child abuse in Taytay Rizal reported in NBI by margareth rillo

Published by National Bureau of Investigation(NBI) on Nov. 28, 2023.
Requested from NBI by R. Bolongaita at 12:26 AM on Nov. 28, 2023.
Purpose: PNP Blotter Report for suspect marilyn pante live in Bicol region.
Date of Coverage: 01/01/2016 - 11/28/2023
Tracking no: #NBI-375929703713

margareth rillo serial killer blacklisted issue in NBI Philippines.

Published by National Bureau of Investigation(NBI) on Nov. 28, 2023.
Requested from NBI by R. Bolongaita at 12:25 AM on Nov. 28, 2023.
Purpose: PNP Blotter Report for suspect margareth rillo employment banned permanent death in PH.
Date of Coverage: 01/01/2016 - 11/28/2023
Tracking no: #NBI-561741953574

Theft, Sextortion, Sexual Assault and Sexual harrassment serial killer margareth rillo

Published by National Bureau of Investigation(NBI) on Nov. 28, 2023.
Requested from NBI by R. Bolongaita at 12:20 AM on Nov. 28, 2023.
Purpose: PNP Blotter Report for suspect margareth rillo employment banned permanent death in PH.
Date of Coverage: 01/01/2016 - 11/28/2023
Tracking no: #NBI-322515940812

margareth rillo convicted permanently banned real-time blacklist in PH companies for theft/robbery

Published by National Bureau of Investigation(NBI) on Nov. 28, 2023.
Requested from NBI by R. Bolongaita at 12:16 AM on Nov. 28, 2023.
Purpose: PNP Blotter Report for suspect margareth rillo employment banned permanent death in PH.
Date of Coverage: 01/01/2016 - 11/28/2023
Tracking no: #NBI-706039452930

PH NCR serial killer margareth rillo blacklisted blackout period reported in NBI

Published by National Bureau of Investigation(NBI) on Nov. 28, 2023.
Requested from NBI by R. Bolongaita at 12:15 AM on Nov. 28, 2023.
Purpose: PNP Blotter Report for suspect margareth rillo employment banned permanent death in PH.
Date of Coverage: 01/01/2016 - 11/28/2023
Tracking no: #NBI-039030365266

margareth rillo,Jen,carol,maxima the lords flock charismatic witchcraft group serial killer real.

Published by National Bureau of Investigation(NBI) on Nov. 28, 2023.
Requested from NBI by R. Bolongaita at 12:13 AM on Nov. 28, 2023.
Purpose: PNP Blotter Report for suspect margareth rillo employment banned permanent death in PH.
Date of Coverage: 01/01/2016 - 11/28/2023
Tracking no: #NBI-852134633327

margareth rillo family convicted serial killer involve in spiritual witchcraft occultism in PH.

Published by National Bureau of Investigation(NBI) on Nov. 28, 2023.
Requested from NBI by R. Bolongaita at 12:11 AM on Nov. 28, 2023.
Purpose: PNP Blotter Report for suspect margareth rillo employment banned permanent death in PH.
Date of Coverage: 01/01/2016 - 11/28/2023
Tracking no: #NBI-240351424814

margareth rillo family convicted serial killer involve in spiritual witchcraft occultism in PH.

Published by National Bureau of Investigation(NBI) on Nov. 27, 2023.
Requested from NBI by R. Bolongaita at 02:48 AM on Nov. 27, 2023.
Purpose: PNP Blotter Report for suspect margareth rillo employment banned permanent death in PH.
Date of Coverage: 01/01/2016 - 11/27/2023
Tracking no: #NBI-372879818514

margareth rillo,Jen,carol,maxima the lords flock charismatic witchcraft group serial killer real.

Published by National Bureau of Investigation(NBI) on Nov. 27, 2023.
Requested from NBI by R. Bolongaita at 02:45 AM on Nov. 27, 2023.
Purpose: PNP Blotter Report for suspect margareth rillo employment banned permanent death in PH.
Date of Coverage: 01/01/2016 - 11/27/2023
Tracking no: #NBI-394111332713

PH NCR serial killer margareth rillo blacklisted blackout period reported in NBI

Published by National Bureau of Investigation(NBI) on Nov. 27, 2023.
Requested from NBI by R. Bolongaita at 02:43 AM on Nov. 27, 2023.
Purpose: PNP Blotter Report for suspect margareth rillo employment banned permanent death in PH.
Date of Coverage: 01/01/2016 - 11/27/2023
Tracking no: #NBI-790142332335

margareth rillo convicted permanently banned real-time blacklist in PH companies for theft/robbery

Published by National Bureau of Investigation(NBI) on Nov. 27, 2023.
Requested from NBI by R. Bolongaita at 02:38 AM on Nov. 27, 2023.
Purpose: PNP Blotter Report for suspect margareth rillo employment banned permanent death in PH.
Date of Coverage: 01/01/2016 - 11/27/2023
Tracking no: #NBI-010892618472

Theft, Sextortion, Sexual Assault and Sexual harrassment serial killer margareth rillo

Published by National Bureau of Investigation(NBI) on Nov. 27, 2023.
Requested from NBI by R. Bolongaita at 02:31 AM on Nov. 27, 2023.
Purpose: PNP Blotter Report for suspect margareth rillo employment banned permanent death in PH.
Date of Coverage: 01/01/2016 - 11/27/2023
Tracking no: #NBI-798483269298

margareth rillo serial killer blacklisted issue in NBI Philippines.

Published by National Bureau of Investigation(NBI) on Nov. 27, 2023.
Requested from NBI by R. Bolongaita at 02:26 AM on Nov. 27, 2023.
Purpose: PNP Blotter Report for suspect margareth rillo employment banned permanent death in PH.
Date of Coverage: 01/01/2016 - 11/27/2023
Tracking no: #NBI-122809219011

marilyn mabeza pante wanted for theft,child abuse in Taytay Rizal reported in NBI by margareth rillo

Published by National Bureau of Investigation(NBI) on Nov. 27, 2023.
Requested from NBI by R. Bolongaita at 02:24 AM on Nov. 27, 2023.
Purpose: PNP Blotter Report for suspect marilyn pante live in Bicol region.
Date of Coverage: 01/01/2016 - 11/27/2023
Tracking no: #NBI-626536897598

margareth rillo jobless suspect for murder and JobStreet blacklist scammer with PNP criminal record.

Published by National Bureau of Investigation(NBI) on Nov. 27, 2023.
Requested from NBI by R. Bolongaita at 02:19 AM on Nov. 27, 2023.
Purpose: PNP Blotter Report for suspect margareth rillo employment banned permanent death in PH.
Date of Coverage: 01/01/2016 - 11/27/2023
Tracking no: #NBI-966842327156

margareth rillo jobless suspect for murder and JobStreet blacklist scammer with PNP criminal record.

Published by National Bureau of Investigation(NBI) on Nov. 27, 2023.
Requested from NBI by R. Bolongaita at 02:17 AM on Nov. 27, 2023.
Purpose: PNP Blotter Report for suspect margareth rillo employment banned permanent death in PH.
Date of Coverage: 01/01/2016 - 11/27/2023
Tracking no: #NBI-502763964280

NCR serial killer blacklist margareth rillo reported in NBI

Published by National Bureau of Investigation(NBI) on Nov. 27, 2023.
Requested from NBI by R. Bolongaita at 02:16 AM on Nov. 27, 2023.
Purpose: PNP Blotter Report for suspect margareth rillo employment banned permanent death in PH.
Date of Coverage: 01/01/2016 - 11/27/2023
Tracking no: #NBI-125767238068

The number of reported smuggled endangered species in Davao city

Published by National Bureau of Investigation(NBI) on Nov. 26, 2023.
Requested from NBI by M. Retiza at 09:41 AM on Nov. 26, 2023.
Purpose: Research
Date of Coverage: 01/01/2020 - 11/26/2023
Tracking no: #NBI-575016284997

NCR serial killer blacklist margareth rillo reported in NBI

Published by National Bureau of Investigation(NBI) on Nov. 26, 2023.
Requested from NBI by R. Bolongaita at 05:07 AM on Nov. 26, 2023.
Purpose: PNP Blotter Report for suspect margareth rillo employment banned permanent death in PH.
Date of Coverage: 01/01/2016 - 11/26/2023
Tracking no: #NBI-613132663768

margareth rillo jobless suspect for murder and JobStreet blacklist scammer with PNP criminal record.

Published by National Bureau of Investigation(NBI) on Nov. 26, 2023.
Requested from NBI by R. Bolongaita at 05:04 AM on Nov. 26, 2023.
Purpose: PNP Blotter Report for suspect margareth rillo employment banned permanent death in PH.
Date of Coverage: 01/01/2016 - 11/26/2023
Tracking no: #NBI-863676878676

marilyn mabeza pante wanted for theft,child abuse in Taytay Rizal reported in NBI by margareth rillo

Published by National Bureau of Investigation(NBI) on Nov. 26, 2023.
Requested from NBI by R. Bolongaita at 04:56 AM on Nov. 26, 2023.
Purpose: PNP Blotter Report for suspect marilyn pante live in Bicol region.
Date of Coverage: 01/01/2016 - 11/26/2023
Tracking no: #NBI-262515483607

margareth rillo serial killer blacklisted issue in NBI Philippines.

Published by National Bureau of Investigation(NBI) on Nov. 26, 2023.
Requested from NBI by R. Bolongaita at 04:55 AM on Nov. 26, 2023.
Purpose: PNP Blotter Report for suspect margareth rillo employment banned permanent death in PH.
Date of Coverage: 01/01/2016 - 11/26/2023
Tracking no: #NBI-938735787589

margareth rillo convicted permanently banned real-time blacklist in PH companies for sexual assault

Published by National Bureau of Investigation(NBI) on Nov. 26, 2023.
Requested from NBI by R. Bolongaita at 04:50 AM on Nov. 26, 2023.
Purpose: PNP Blotter Report for suspect margareth rillo employment banned permanent death in PH.
Date of Coverage: 01/01/2016 - 11/26/2023
Tracking no: #NBI-598846211220

Theft, Sextortion, Sexual Assault and Sexual harrassment serial killer margareth rillo

Published by National Bureau of Investigation(NBI) on Nov. 26, 2023.
Requested from NBI by R. Bolongaita at 04:48 AM on Nov. 26, 2023.
Purpose: PNP Blotter Report for suspect margareth rillo employment banned permanent death in PH.
Date of Coverage: 01/01/2016 - 01/01/2023
Tracking no: #NBI-601437958555

margareth rillo convicted permanently banned real-time blacklist in PH companies for theft/robbery

Published by National Bureau of Investigation(NBI) on Nov. 26, 2023.
Requested from NBI by R. Bolongaita at 04:44 AM on Nov. 26, 2023.
Purpose: PNP Blotter Report for suspect margareth rillo employment banned permanent death in PH.
Date of Coverage: 01/01/2016 - 11/26/2023
Tracking no: #NBI-392057598768

PH NCR serial killer margareth rillo blacklisted blackout period reported in NBI

Published by National Bureau of Investigation(NBI) on Nov. 26, 2023.
Requested from NBI by R. Bolongaita at 04:42 AM on Nov. 26, 2023.
Purpose: PNP Blotter Report for suspect margareth rillo employment banned permanent death in PH.
Date of Coverage: 01/01/2016 - 11/26/2023
Tracking no: #NBI-841898159708

margareth rillo,Jen,carol,maxima the lords flock charismatic witchcraft group serial killer real.

Published by National Bureau of Investigation(NBI) on Nov. 26, 2023.
Requested from NBI by R. Bolongaita at 04:40 AM on Nov. 26, 2023.
Purpose: PNP Blotter Report for suspect margareth rillo employment banned permanent death in PH.
Date of Coverage: 01/01/2016 - 11/26/2023
Tracking no: #NBI-335198580931

margareth rillo family convicted serial killer involve in spiritual witchcraft occultism in PH.

Published by National Bureau of Investigation(NBI) on Nov. 26, 2023.
Requested from NBI by R. Bolongaita at 04:37 AM on Nov. 26, 2023.
Purpose: PNP Blotter Report for suspect margareth rillo employment banned permanent death in PH.
Date of Coverage: 01/01/2016 - 11/26/2023
Tracking no: #NBI-643116536693

The number of reported Smuggled endangered species in Davao City

Published by National Bureau of Investigation(NBI) on Nov. 25, 2023.
Requested from NBI by A. Mejorada at 08:07 PM on Nov. 25, 2023.
Purpose: We will use this as data for our documentary analysis & a basis for intervention for thesis purpose
Date of Coverage: 01/01/2020 - 11/25/2023
Tracking no: #NBI-441276217475

margareth rillo family convicted serial killer involve in spiritual witchcraft occultism in PH.

Published by National Bureau of Investigation(NBI) on Nov. 25, 2023.
Requested from NBI by R. Bolongaita at 04:45 AM on Nov. 25, 2023.
Purpose: PNP Blotter Report for suspect margareth rillo employment banned permanent death in PH.
Date of Coverage: 01/01/2016 - 11/25/2023
Tracking no: #NBI-831270446815

margareth rillo,Jen,carol,maxima the lords flock charismatic witchcraft group serial killer real.

Published by National Bureau of Investigation(NBI) on Nov. 25, 2023.
Requested from NBI by R. Bolongaita at 04:41 AM on Nov. 25, 2023.
Purpose: PNP Blotter Report for suspect margareth rillo employment banned permanent death in PH.
Date of Coverage: 01/01/2016 - 11/25/2023
Tracking no: #NBI-665184507637

PH NCR serial killer margareth rillo blacklisted blackout period reported in NBI

Published by National Bureau of Investigation(NBI) on Nov. 25, 2023.
Requested from NBI by R. Bolongaita at 04:35 AM on Nov. 25, 2023.
Purpose: PNP Blotter Report for suspect margareth rillo employment banned permanent death in PH.
Date of Coverage: 01/01/2016 - 11/25/2023
Tracking no: #NBI-818272371195

margareth rillo convicted permanently banned real-time blacklist in PH companies for theft/robbery

Published by National Bureau of Investigation(NBI) on Nov. 25, 2023.
Requested from NBI by R. Bolongaita at 04:33 AM on Nov. 25, 2023.
Purpose: PNP Blotter Report for suspect margareth rillo employment banned permanent death in PH.
Date of Coverage: 01/01/2016 - 11/25/2023
Tracking no: #NBI-372209970036

Theft, Sextortion, Sexual Assault and Sexual harrassment serial killer margareth rillo

Published by National Bureau of Investigation(NBI) on Nov. 25, 2023.
Requested from NBI by R. Bolongaita at 04:28 AM on Nov. 25, 2023.
Purpose: PNP Blotter Report for suspect margareth rillo employment banned permanent death in PH. p
Date of Coverage: 01/01/2016 - 11/25/2023
Tracking no: #NBI-146953968884

margareth rillo serial killer blacklisted issue in NBI Philippines.

Published by National Bureau of Investigation(NBI) on Nov. 25, 2023.
Requested from NBI by R. Bolongaita at 04:21 AM on Nov. 25, 2023.
Purpose: PNP Blotter Report for suspect margareth rillo employment banned permanent death in PH.
Date of Coverage: 01/01/2016 - 11/25/2023
Tracking no: #NBI-516801716549

marilyn mabeza pante wanted for theft,child abuse in Taytay Rizal reported in NBI by margareth rillo

Published by National Bureau of Investigation(NBI) on Nov. 25, 2023.
Requested from NBI by R. Bolongaita at 04:19 AM on Nov. 25, 2023.
Purpose: PNP Blotter Report for suspect marilyn pante live in Bicol region.
Date of Coverage: 01/01/2016 - 11/25/2023
Tracking no: #NBI-150014100679

PH NCR serial killer margareth rillo blacklisted blackout period reported in NBI

Published by National Bureau of Investigation(NBI) on Nov. 25, 2023.
Requested from NBI by R. Bolongaita at 04:11 AM on Nov. 25, 2023.
Purpose: PNP Blotter Report for suspect margareth rillo employment banned permanent death in PH.
Date of Coverage: 01/01/2016 - 11/25/2023
Tracking no: #NBI-265102582847

margareth rillo jobless suspect for murder and JobStreet blacklist scammer with PNP criminal record.

Published by National Bureau of Investigation(NBI) on Nov. 25, 2023.
Requested from NBI by R. Bolongaita at 04:06 AM on Nov. 25, 2023.
Purpose: PNP Blotter Report for suspect margareth rillo employment banned permanent death in PH.
Date of Coverage: 01/01/2016 - 11/25/2023
Tracking no: #NBI-072060321784

Help me trace who is behind this dummy account, He is harrassing my 10 year old daughter

Published by National Bureau of Investigation(NBI) on Nov. 24, 2023.
Requested from NBI by M. Esguerra at 06:53 AM on Nov. 24, 2023.
Purpose: Filing for Legal Action against vawc, child abuse and cyber crime
Date of Coverage: 10/11/2023 - 11/23/2023
Tracking no: #NBI-931970371863

Fb msgr scammer fraud gcash

Published by National Bureau of Investigation(NBI) on Nov. 24, 2023.
Requested from NBI by K. None at 01:09 AM on Nov. 24, 2023.
Purpose: Report to Nbi and pnp , please help me back my money
Date of Coverage: 11/23/2023 - 11/24/2023
Tracking no: #NBI-527353547755

margareth rillo jobless suspect for murder and JobStreet blacklist scammer with PNP criminal record.

Published by National Bureau of Investigation(NBI) on Nov. 24, 2023.
Requested from NBI by R. Bolongaita at 12:46 AM on Nov. 24, 2023.
Purpose: PNP Blotter Report for suspect margareth rillo employment banned permanent death in PH.
Date of Coverage: 01/01/2016 - 11/24/2023
Tracking no: #NBI-067660358664

PH NCR serial killer margareth rillo blacklisted blackout period reported in NBI

Published by National Bureau of Investigation(NBI) on Nov. 24, 2023.
Requested from NBI by R. Bolongaita at 12:40 AM on Nov. 24, 2023.
Purpose: PNP Blotter Report for suspect margareth rillo employment banned permanent death in PH.
Date of Coverage: 01/01/2016 - 11/24/2023
Tracking no: #NBI-111056358249

marilyn mabeza pante wanted for theft,child abuse in Taytay Rizal reported in NBI by margareth rillo

Published by National Bureau of Investigation(NBI) on Nov. 24, 2023.
Requested from NBI by R. Bolongaita at 12:32 AM on Nov. 24, 2023.
Purpose: PNP Blotter Report for suspect marilyn pante live in Bicol region.
Date of Coverage: 01/01/2016 - 11/24/2023
Tracking no: #NBI-081346887313

margareth rillo serial killer blacklisted issue in NBI Philippines.

Published by National Bureau of Investigation(NBI) on Nov. 24, 2023.
Requested from NBI by R. Bolongaita at 12:24 AM on Nov. 24, 2023.
Purpose: PNP Blotter Report for suspect margareth rillo employment banned permanent death in PH.
Date of Coverage: 01/01/2016 - 11/24/2023
Tracking no: #NBI-944066244736

Theft, Sextortion, Sexual Assault and Sexual harrassment serial killer margareth rillo

Published by National Bureau of Investigation(NBI) on Nov. 24, 2023.
Requested from NBI by R. Bolongaita at 12:12 AM on Nov. 24, 2023.
Purpose: PNP Blotter Report for suspect margareth rillo employment banned permanent death in PH.
Date of Coverage: 01/01/2016 - 11/24/2023
Tracking no: #NBI-633252158021

NCR serial killer blacklist margareth rillo reported in NBI

Published by National Bureau of Investigation(NBI) on Nov. 24, 2023.
Requested from NBI by R. Bolongaita at 12:06 AM on Nov. 24, 2023.
Purpose: PNP Blotter Report for suspect margareth rillo employment banned permanent death in PH.
Date of Coverage: 01/01/2016 - 11/24/2023
Tracking no: #NBI-854954143060

margareth rillo,Jen,carol,maxima the lords flock charismatic witchcraft group serial killer real.

Published by National Bureau of Investigation(NBI) on Nov. 24, 2023.
Requested from NBI by R. Bolongaita at 12:05 AM on Nov. 24, 2023.
Purpose: PNP Blotter Report for suspect margareth rillo employment banned permanent death in PH.
Date of Coverage: 01/01/2016 - 11/24/2023
Tracking no: #NBI-832841383577

Retrieve a stolen phone

Published by National Bureau of Investigation(NBI) on Nov. 23, 2023.
Requested from NBI by J. Cortez at 10:08 PM on Nov. 23, 2023.
Purpose: Retrieve a stolen phone of my friend
Date of Coverage: 10/23/2023 - 11/23/2023
Tracking no: #NBI-563962647631

margareth rillo,Jen,carol,maxima the lords flock charismatic witchcraft group serial killer real.

Published by National Bureau of Investigation(NBI) on Nov. 23, 2023.
Requested from NBI by R. Bolongaita at 10:15 AM on Nov. 23, 2023.
Purpose: PNP Blotter Report for suspect margareth rillo employment banned permanent death in PH.
Date of Coverage: 01/01/2016 - 11/23/2023
Tracking no: #NBI-942139468371

NCR serial killer blacklist margareth rillo reported in NBI

Published by National Bureau of Investigation(NBI) on Nov. 23, 2023.
Requested from NBI by R. Bolongaita at 10:12 AM on Nov. 23, 2023.
Purpose: PNP Blotter Report for suspect margareth rillo employment banned permanent death in PH.
Date of Coverage: 01/01/2016 - 11/23/2023
Tracking no: #NBI-710109939338

Theft, Sextortion, Sexual Assault and Sexual harrassment serial killer margareth rillo

Published by National Bureau of Investigation(NBI) on Nov. 23, 2023.
Requested from NBI by R. Bolongaita at 10:07 AM on Nov. 23, 2023.
Purpose: PNP Blotter Report for suspect margareth rillo employment banned permanent death in PH.
Date of Coverage: 01/01/2016 - 11/23/2023
Tracking no: #NBI-327941684870

margareth rillo serial killer blacklisted issue in NBI Philippines.

Published by National Bureau of Investigation(NBI) on Nov. 23, 2023.
Requested from NBI by R. Bolongaita at 10:00 AM on Nov. 23, 2023.
Purpose: PNP Blotter Report for suspect margareth rillo employment banned permanent death in PH.
Date of Coverage: 01/01/2016 - 11/23/2023
Tracking no: #NBI-165301253170

marilyn mabeza pante wanted for theft,child abuse in Taytay Rizal reported in NBI by margareth rillo

Published by National Bureau of Investigation(NBI) on Nov. 23, 2023.
Requested from NBI by R. Bolongaita at 09:58 AM on Nov. 23, 2023.
Purpose: PNP Blotter Report for suspect marilyn pante live in Bicol region.
Date of Coverage: 01/01/2016 - 11/23/2023
Tracking no: #NBI-661299587898

About this agency

The NBI is an attached agency under the Department of Justice that is primarily tasked to investigate crimes and other offenses against the laws of the Philippines

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