Coconut Industry Investment Fund Oil Mills Group

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CIIF Oil Mills Group is a conglomeration of six (6) wholly government-owned and controlled coconut oil mills acquired through excess funds coming from the Coconut Consumers Stabilization Fund and Coconut Industry Development Funds (Coco Levy Funds). CIIF OMG consists of (1) San Pablo Manufacturing Corporation (2) Legaspi Oil Company, Inc. (3) Granexport Manufacturing Corporation (4) Cagayan De Oro Oil company, Inc. (5) Southern Luzon Coconut Oil Mill, Inc., and (6) Iligan Coconut Industries, Inc.

CIIF OMG is mandated to establish and maintain a profitable business platform that will contribute to the development of the coconut industry in the Philippines as well as provide for a sustainable and recurring source of revenue for the support of coconut farmers nationwide, either singly or through cooperatives, through the provision of a ready and capable market for their locally produced copra.

Also, the CIIF OMG Companies collectively own the 14 Holding Companies namely:

  1. Anglo Ventures Corporation
  2. AP Holdings Inc.
  3. ARC Investors, Inc.
  4. ASC Investors, Inc.
  5. Fernandez Holdings, Inc.
  6. First Meridian Development, Inc.
  7. Randy Allied Ventures, Inc.
  8. Rock Steel Resources, Inc.
  9. Roxas Shares, Inc.
  10. San Miguel Officers Corps Inc.
  11. Soriano Shares, Inc.
  12. TE DEUM Resources, Inc.
  13. TODA Holdings, Inc.
  14. Valhall Properties Limited Inc.

With the passage of Republic Act No. 11524, also known as the Coconut Farmers and Industry Trust Fund Act, CIIF-OMG’s assets are now held by the Trust Fund Management Committee (“TFMC”) Composed of the Department of Budget and Management, Department of Finance and the Department of Justice.

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