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The University of the Philippines Cebu (UPC) is the oldest regional unit of the University of the Philippines with a colorful history to boost. UP Cebu has three colleges (College of Communication, Art, and Design; College of Science; and College of Social Sciences) and one school (School of Management). UP Cebu offers 13 academic programs; 1 certificate, 8 baccalaureate, and 4 masters degree programs. It is host to 3 graduate degree programs, of which 2 are for masters and 1 PhD. And out of these 3 graduate degree programs, one of these is a program of a foreign university. As of the 1st semester AY 2017 2018, 878 matriculated in the undergraduate programs and 308 enrolled in graduate programs. Hosted programs are not included in these cited figures. The Commission on Higher Education awarded UP Cebu the Center of Excellence in Information Technology Education (2007-2018) and the Center of Development in Environmental Science (2016-2018).
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