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Published by PNOC Renewables Corporation(PNOCRC) on July 19, 2023.
Requested from PNOCRC by J. Villalobos at 11:08 AM on
July 19, 2023.
Purpose: Health Workforce Planning and Policy Development
Date of Coverage: 07/19/2023 - 07/19/2023
Tracking no: #PNOCRC-984280459151
To promote and undertake research, development, utilization, manufacture, sale, marketing, distribution and commercial application ofnew, renewable, non-conventional and environment-friendly energy sources and systems including but not limited to solar, wind, water, heat, steam, ocean, tidal, biomass, biogas, chemical, mechanical, electrical, synthetic, agricultural, and other natural, fossil or non-fossil fuel based, artificial, organic or otherwise, and of energy systems that use new, renewable and energy resources applying new and efficient energy conversion and/or utilization technologies for commercial application and promote their efficient utilization.
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